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in Pets and Animals by

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A healthy diet for your pet rabbit relies on a variety of foods, with hay as the absolute cornerstone:

  • Hay (80-90% of diet): Unlimited access to fresh, high-quality hay is crucial for rabbits. It provides essential fiber for their digestive system and helps keep their teeth worn down. Good hay options include timothy, orchard, brome, and oat hay. Avoid alfalfa hay for adult rabbits, as it's too rich for them.

  • Fresh Vegetables (10% of diet): Provide a variety of safe, washed vegetables daily. Introduce new types gradually to avoid stomach upset. Aim for an amount roughly the size of your rabbit's head. Good options include leafy greens like spinach, kale, watercress, broccoli, celery, and dandelion leaves. Herbs like mint, parsley, dill, and thyme are also enjoyable for rabbits.

  • Pellets (5% of diet): A small amount of high-fiber rabbit pellets can supplement your rabbit's diet. Choose a pellet formulated for adult rabbits and follow the feeding guidelines based on your rabbit's weight. Avoid muesli-style rabbit food, as it can be unhealthy for them.

Additional Tips:

  • Fresh, clean water: Ensure your rabbit has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Check and refill their water bottle or bowl daily.

  • Gradual changes: When introducing new foods, do so gradually to allow their digestive system to adjust.

  • Avoid sugary treats: Fruits and treats should only be given in very small quantities as occasional treats due to their high sugar content.

By following these guidelines and consulting with your veterinarian, you can provide your pet rabbit with a balanced and healthy diet that will keep them happy and thriving.

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