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in Holidays and Traditions by

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by (1.3k points)

Christmas traditions vary around the world, even though many places share some common themes like nativity scenes and gift-giving. Here are some interesting examples:

  • Gift-givers: In many countries, Santa Claus is the jolly gift-giver. But other places have their own traditions. In Italy, La Befana, a good witch, delivers presents on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th). In some parts of Europe, Saint Nicholas (separate from Santa Claus) brings gifts on December 6th.

  • Religious practices: Christmas is a religious holiday for Christians, but the date of celebration can vary. Western Christians celebrate on December 25th, while Orthodox Christians often celebrate in early January.

  • Food and feasting: Christmas meals are a big part of the celebrations. In Mexico, Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) is a time for a large feast with family. In some Scandinavian countries, a traditional rice pudding with a hidden almond is served. The person who finds the almond gets a small prize!

  • Decorations: Christmas trees are popular around the world, but decorations can vary. In Ukraine, people decorate with brightly colored paper chains and spiderwebs (said to symbolize good luck).

These are just a few examples, and there are many other unique Christmas traditions around the world!

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